2 0 2 1 !!

Happy New 2021 and the start to a new month! I think it is safe to say there is a collective hope for a better year- I am hopeful. Why does a new year often feel like the continuation of the last ? Isn’t it supposed to be filled with possibilities of better days, a fresh start and new opportunities? I like to think so; however, sometimes we are stuck in old patterns or past memories we are not able to let go. I am guilty of the above. Consequently, I find myself stuck in my own self inflicted pain. Not sure if these actions are the result of my anxious or sometimes depressed brain that is accustomed to these addictive neural pathways and keeps me stuck in loops.

I think of the connections and friendships I have lost due to my internal struggles. Explanations sometimes do not suffice and can not mend broken friendships. There is not much I can do at this point other than learn and move forward. During the Covid year (2020) I was able to allocate time for myself to deal with my internal issues and finally put to rest my internal struggles. I was also able to prioritize my mental health and heal from unresolved issues. And, I learned to manage and cope with my anxious thoughts and behaviors. For that, I will always be thankful for being forced to slow down in the year 2020. While I can not undo the past, I can look toward the future and truly be present in the now rather than live focused on the past or future. As a result, my anxious and depressed brain can finally find rest and enjoy one day at a time.

So, I am looking forward to 2 0 2 1 and all the new memories to be created.

Nostalgia in NYC

Fall has arrived on the east coast. And, as the weather slowly begins to change, I get a sense of nostalgia. The cool crisp air, the fall foliage changing colors, and all the festivities that come with the change of the season all serve as a reminder of the past. Although I do not dwell on memories of the past, I find myself thinking about how past events have all lead me to where I am today- something I am grateful for.

As we walked around Central Park in Manhattan today, I thought about myself ten years ago and how much I have grown as a person. I think about all past events and people I have met and how each of those played a part in my life as I ventured on my journey.

Below are some pictures of Central Park. xo

DTS ( Down The Shore) NJ

Hello, and happy Saturday!

Why are the weeks before and after vacation the most chaotic and hectic few days? May be it is because of the anticipation leading up to the vacation and then, returning to the daily grind of the work week. Our week down the shore was fun and most importantly, relaxing. Wildwood Crest is about 2.5 hours away from home and it was smooth ride down the Garden State Parkway. On our way down to the Wildwood, we made a stop at Point Pleasant beach for the best coconut shrimp.

Coconut shrimp from Martell’s Tiki bar in Point Pleasant beach.

We arrived at Wildwood about 2 hours later. Below are a few pictures from our week. I hope you like them. Xo 🙂

View of the pool.
We didnt have much privacy.
Our view at night and our little guy, Max.
The beach on our first day at Wildwood.
Sunset on Wildwood Crest.

Star Gazing

  This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the cluster Westerlund 2 and its surroundings has been released to celebrate Hubble’s 25th year in orbit and a quarter of a century of new discoveries, stunning images and outstanding science. The image’s central region, containing the star cluster, blends visible-light data taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys and near-infrared exposures taken by the Wide Field Camera 3. The surrounding region is composed of visible-light observations taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys.

Au revoir Cote D’ Azur !

Another week came and left as quickly as all the others before. On Sunday, my husband and I will drive down the Garden State Parkway and spend one week down the shore with our puppy, Max. Do we all agree it has been a stressful five months living in a pandemic state of the world? For us, it has. So, we are looking forward to spending a week poolside, beach side and enjoying the sounds of the waves- of course we will have our masks and continue to practice social distancing. This upcoming week will be our 3 year anniversary and this was not the vacation I had planned. Our itinerary consisted of visiting Paris ( because I can not get enough of the city of lights) followed by one luxurious week beach side in Cote d’Azur, The French Riveria. Reluctantly, I let go of those plans and accepted the reality of visiting the beaches I took for granted just 1 year ago. Maybe one day, when it is possible to board a plane and travel to other countries, we will celebrate another special occasion in the South of France. As for now, I will continue to enjoy the simplicity and comfort of my home state, NJ, and all it has to offer.

Pictures of our NJ beach side vacation will soon follow. Xo

Growing pains

Growing Pains are life’s bitter lessons that are given to us throughout the course of our lives.  These learning opportunities often come as painful or difficult circumstances that shake us to our core and force us to look within ourselves as well as address issues we often hide.  Painful, yes, I know . I do not want to be another member of toxic positivity ( only look at the bright side of things kind of person); rather, I want to encourage you to sit, process these uncomfortable experiences and allow them to pass. In the process, you will grow….painfully… but you will grow.


I used to long for the version of myself before I encountered growing pains, but now I know those days are over. While I miss my pre- growing pains days, I now understand I had to experience those times in order for me to grow into the version of myself I am today.  I must give credit to my wonderful therapist who helped me understand and process my own suppressed growing pains. Without her help, I would be in a continuous cycle of harboring unprocessed emotions and continue to not be able to move past them.  I am thankful to be alive during a time where there are professionals who are available to help persons like myself deal with life’s growing pains.


More Greek Memories

IMG-20200802-WA0003Amoudi Bay in Santorini.

One of the fellow travelers staying in our hotel told us about Sunset Taverna in Amoudi Bay.  Our fellow American raved about the lobster pasta and how the restaurant was on the edge of the water (literally)! So being that this was our 2nd Anniversary we decided to venture off down the cliffs and into Amoudi Bay. The views down the winding roads did not disappoint and we found not only 1, but plenty of restaurants on the edge of the water. We sat at our table and looked down at the views down below- which were full of  rocks, boats, some fish and the water crashing on the edge lit by the moonlight.

Romantic yet nerve wrecking as we sat on edge of the water. The lobster pasta did not disappoint and it was a Greek night to remember.



Karma: Cosmic Law

nebula 2

“You reap what you sow.” “Whatever you put out into the universe it will come back to you.”   And, so many other sayings about the concept of Karma.

I am a true believer that whatever you do comes back to you- whether that is good and/ or bad.  Whatever energy you put out into the universe comes back to you. If you cause someone pain, pain will come back to you in one form or another. If you cause someone joy,  it will come back to you.  Regardless, if you decide to believe in the concept of Karma, it is a cosmic force that exists and will return to you. So, I advise you to chose love, peace, joy and send out positive vibes into the universe.  And, in return, allow the universe to send it back to you.


You are free to chose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices. Choose wisely.


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